Monday, 28 November 2011

Of Perfumes and Fragrances PT2

In a traditional Malay wedding, gift exchange is one of the most symbolic introductions of both parties' background to the other... It introduces both families of where and what kind of family the party is from. One of the many things that's included into the gift exchange is now the Sireh Dara.

What is a Sireh Dara?

Sireh Dara or Sireh Junjung is an essential traditional gift item in Malay weddings to signify the purity of the lovely bride and is usually placed at the wedding dias. 

With rapid modernization, Sireh Dara is now a part of the gift exchange between both the bride and groom’s family during the akad nikah ceremony.

Take a peek at the sireh dara's that J&S have created so far! =)

For enquiries and/or bookings, feel free to drop us a mail at!

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